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What are a landlords legal requirements?

The legal requirements a landlord must follow before letting a property in England: Gas Safety Certificate: A landlord must provide a Gas Safety Certificate to tenants before they move in, and annually thereafter, to ensure that gas appliances, pipes, and flues are safe. Electrical Safety Certificate: From 1st July 2020, all new tenancies (and from…

To buy or to Rent

Buying a house is one of the biggest financial decisions a person can make. It can be a significant investment, but it also comes with a lot of responsibilities. On the other hand, renting can be a more flexible option for those who want to avoid the long-term commitment of owning a property. Both options…

How to Serve Notices Correctly

Serving Notices: Landlords and agents often get confused as to how they should serve Notices on their tenants. Ordinarily it wouldn’t matter what method is used, but if you end up in court with a possession or money claim, or some such court action, then what and how you served Notices on your tenant can…

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